Long – Term Support

  • Benefits and financial concerns
  • Utilities change over and maintenance of Utility Accounts
  • School Referrals
  • Getting back into work
  • Further Education requirements and referrals
  • Accessing food banks and charities
  • Assistance with finding white goods and furnishings for their new home
  • Health assistance such as; Mental Health or substance Abuse
  • Volunteering in the community

Reeds Renton Housing Group understands that our clients come from all walks of life and some may never have sustained a tenancy or their own home before, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience in assisting whatever struggles they may face in a calm and professional manner ensuring the clients affairs are kept private and treat delicately.

We have housed many individuals that have truly faced some difficult situations and we review each case that is referred to us to ensure they receive the best care and support tailored to their needs. We carry out a full risk assessment before we relocate anyone to ensure they settle into their new home with ease and comfortably.

Requirements needed by us

  • Well presented, good standard family home
  • Declaration form, photo ID and terms and conditions provided by landlord.
  • Deposit given byh tenenats has to be protected through any of the tenancy deposit schemes.
  • Provision of white goods like fridge/freezer, washing machine and cooker
  • Property has to be part furnished with carpets and curtains
  • Valid annual gas safety certificate
  • Valid electrical safety inspection report
  • Valid EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) and has to have a rating above E
  • Preference for property to be fully furnished with beds, sofas, chairs etc.
  • All furniture has to be clearly labelled that it meets all fire safety standards for furniture and furnishings.


Q: How much is this service?

The service is completely free to all landlords and tenants.

Q: When do I receive the rent? When do I receive my rent?

We acknowledge that some landlords have mortgages to pay, we make sure all housing essentials are in place right away so that tenants can pay their rental amount to the preferred account on time.

Q: How can I be sure my tenant is suitable? How do I know tenant is suitable for my place?

We have both tenants and landlords interest as our focus to make sure the right tenants are with the right landlords. In addition to this all tenants are fully evaluated by councils

Q: What can I do if my tenant doesn’t pay their rent? What happens if I don’t get my rent on time?

Through our credit control system, we are sure to be notified if any late payments occur and if so happens we will be in immediate contact with tenant to resolve this issue and make sure a payment is made. If this persists we will issue both verbal and written warnings.

Q: Can I inspect the property at any time? Am I able to inpect the property as I wish?

It is stated in the tenancy agreement that if you wish to inspect your property, 24 hour notice must be given at least unless there is a special circumstance. Landlords should contact us so arrangements can be made through our management service.

Q: Can I increase my tenants rent? I want to increase rent, can I?

Rent is not allowed to be increased within the time frame of the tenancy period. However, upon renewal you can and we can help advise.

Q: Who is responsible for maintenance and repairs? Who takes care of all maintenance and repairs?

With our service, it is the landlord’s responsibility to make sure all main supply systems like gas, electricity within appliances as well, central heating and plumbing are in fully working order. Once the tenant has moved it, it is their responsibility for any repairs from misuse/abuse of the property.

Q: Whose responsibility is it to keep the garden tidy? Who takes care of the garden?

The tenants have responsibility to keep the garden clean and tidy.

Q: Do I need an inventory, even if my property is unfurnished? Is inventory needed even if my property is unfurnished?

It is important that all up to date inventory is done before the tenancy begins. This report is used to check for any damages which may have occurred during the tenants stay. If there is any damage, it can be claimed from the tenant’s deposit but nay general wear and tear is not valid, without inventory it is very hard to make a claim.

Q: Who pays the household bills? How are the bills paid?

The tenant is responsible for paying for utility bills including heating, electric, water, gas and council tax. If there are any service or insurance charges, they would be paid by landlord.